Durex teaches gamers how to DO IT safely. [MARKETING CASE STUDY]

Wiktoria Wójcik
3 min readFeb 24, 2023

Valentine’s was just yesterday so we are still on topic. 😉
Let’s talk about 🎮 gaming and … sex education 🍑
Durex does it right

What did they do? They met Gen Zers in their natural spaces. And made it easy (and fun!) to learn more about safe sex from reliable sources.

Educational Discord server

They created a Discord server called “How to do IT?” where young people can ask questions about sexuality, sex, and generally growing up and experts from Grupa Ponton (sex ed NGO) answer, also in DM’s.
There is also space for more fun talks and every activity gives a chance to win prizes.

Promo and placement from known gaming influencers

The influencers shared info on their SM with their personal stories + sponsored streams where they talked more about sex education and the whole action.

Broad promo on over 800 streaming channels.

With branded artworks customized with over 28 different gaming-themed messages that lead to the Discord server.
This way Durex ensured maximal brand awareness and coverage within Twitch and live streaming space.

👀 All done with tasteful and funny gaming-themed communication that makes the topic more approachable.
“Protect your hardware”

👁The whole campaign is of course broader, with influencers and communication outside of gaming. Wanted to focus on the gaming angle here.

The whole action brought up some 🥵 “heated” conversations.

Sceptics said: “HAHA PROMOTING CONDOMS XDDDdD! cringe”
Others said: “Yesss, we need more sexual education”

My guess is — the silent group, who just slid into the DM’s of Ponton experts and read the content on Discord are the ones appreciating it the most.
They are silent because the whole sex ed topic is taboo and controversial in Poland.

And that’s why we need actions like this. 👏

Congrats to everyone that worked on this campaign DDB Warszawa, OMD Poland, #Fuse, Grupa PONTON, A41 👽 all for one, Big Picture / PR & Public affairs, albo albo, Tears of Joy agency.

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Wiktoria Wójcik

co-founder of inStreamly, Genki.me & Streamcoi. Writing about GenZ, metaverse and gaming — especially from the angle of marketing.